Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun With Families

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of spending time with this wonderful family out at Cheekwood for the sunny afternoon hours of a warm day in Nashville.

Ezra, the cute-as-a-button boy in the orange shirt, just turned three a week or so ago, and turns out it's a perfect age to have pictures taken! So much personality, answering to no one, and so inquisitive about the world around them. Made for a lot of fun for me and a tuckered out three year-old after our hours together.

Oh, and do you recognize this little guy?

It's my brave little former guitar-laying model Lincoln! I was shocked to see how much he'd grown and changed since we last spent time together. He was so much more alert and aware of the camera. Made for some great time with him as well.

Melissa and Mark are such a fun couple, so creative and laid back. It's no wonder I adore spending time with their kids - their great to be around, too. I can't help but look at these pictures and long for the day when we have our own.

In the meantime, I'll just keep having picture fun with families!

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