I've been keeping a secret from you. Or rather, news, because it's not a secret and a lot of people know. News that is of particular interest to many, and to some people, shock. And it's sure been hard to keep as word gets around fast. Over the course of the last some odd weeks, I have found myself startled when an acquaintance greets me with a "So, I heard!" Sure, you did. Somebody told someone who told someone else, and that's the way news travels.
But for my own sense of coursing through this unique season of life, I've not made it public knowledge. In some ways, I wanted to honor the current community I live and work in everyday before feeling the tug between what they know and what you know.
But yesterday brought a little closure.
And today will bring a little more.
And then tomorrow, we'll call it a wrap.
I'm leaving my position at Belmont.
Tomorrow is my last day. And on Monday, I will be full-time at home with my photography and writing. The business, the art, the network, the people... and a life of creativity and relationships and work to call my own.
Belmont has been a home to me for the last seven and a half years of my life. It's the place that beckoned my heart to a city where I had barely thought of settling. It's the place where I made lifelong friendships and met my very best friend and husband. It's the place I learned things about myself I wouldn't have known otherwise. And a place where I had the opportunity to make a difference.
Ending up back there after getting my master's from Vanderbilt was a gift unlike any other. My time at Belmont as staff was a step in a direction I could have only dreamed of taking. But coming back was different than starting out, and this time around I had a few other pieces of my life in place that weren't there before. And with the advent of a new season in our home and looking a little closer at things that had seemed far off on our horizon, our perspectives shifted and it was time to make a decision.
Some of you might not realize what a significant step this is in the dreams Cliff and I have been planning and hoping for in our life together and in the life of our future family. They don't see that it's not about throwing away my education or abandoning people I care for; that it's about pursuing your true calling and following your heart and making room in your life for what is of greatest importance to you. But some of you do. And those who have already discovered the news have been, for the most part, an immense encouragement and support. For that, I am beyond grateful.
And I am grateful, too, for the amazing colleagues and incredible students at Belmont with whom I have spent the last year and a half. The ones I have been sharing "lasts" with all this week. How bittersweet it has been. But how amazing that my leaving has been on this note. That I am working to leave something in better shape than when I inherited it. And that I'm still, relatively speaking, just down the street.
Here's to a new adventure... Thank you for journeying with me!
But for my own sense of coursing through this unique season of life, I've not made it public knowledge. In some ways, I wanted to honor the current community I live and work in everyday before feeling the tug between what they know and what you know.
But yesterday brought a little closure.
And today will bring a little more.
And then tomorrow, we'll call it a wrap.
I'm leaving my position at Belmont.
Tomorrow is my last day. And on Monday, I will be full-time at home with my photography and writing. The business, the art, the network, the people... and a life of creativity and relationships and work to call my own.
Belmont has been a home to me for the last seven and a half years of my life. It's the place that beckoned my heart to a city where I had barely thought of settling. It's the place where I made lifelong friendships and met my very best friend and husband. It's the place I learned things about myself I wouldn't have known otherwise. And a place where I had the opportunity to make a difference.
Ending up back there after getting my master's from Vanderbilt was a gift unlike any other. My time at Belmont as staff was a step in a direction I could have only dreamed of taking. But coming back was different than starting out, and this time around I had a few other pieces of my life in place that weren't there before. And with the advent of a new season in our home and looking a little closer at things that had seemed far off on our horizon, our perspectives shifted and it was time to make a decision.
Some of you might not realize what a significant step this is in the dreams Cliff and I have been planning and hoping for in our life together and in the life of our future family. They don't see that it's not about throwing away my education or abandoning people I care for; that it's about pursuing your true calling and following your heart and making room in your life for what is of greatest importance to you. But some of you do. And those who have already discovered the news have been, for the most part, an immense encouragement and support. For that, I am beyond grateful.
And I am grateful, too, for the amazing colleagues and incredible students at Belmont with whom I have spent the last year and a half. The ones I have been sharing "lasts" with all this week. How bittersweet it has been. But how amazing that my leaving has been on this note. That I am working to leave something in better shape than when I inherited it. And that I'm still, relatively speaking, just down the street.
Here's to a new adventure... Thank you for journeying with me!
Good luck to you on your new adventure!
I am so proud of you. I can't wait to see all the amazing things you will do in the future : ) Love you friend!
Wooo Hooo!!!!
I've already told you congrats, but I just wanted to encourage you in your dreams. Being someone who left almost everything in Illinois to chase what was on my heart - working in Christian music - you go girl! It's an exciting time, and when you step out in faith and obedience, your even need will be met and you'll even see some pretty amazing blessings too. I'm so excited for you! - ashley
Now that's living the dream....I hope to be in the same situation in the next few years.
Congratulations and good luck.
I'm so excited for you! I remember the bittersweet feeling of packing up my office at Fuller before leaving a wonderful team and "coming home." While I sometimes miss my friends there, it was the best decision I ever made--both for our business and our marriage. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!
Love you, friend! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you!
i love this. i admire you so much for doing what you are doing. it is so inspiring that you will be able to exercise your talents day to day, and give yourself fully to them. for as long as i've known you, you've always been the kind of person who has their act together. whether or not it always has been doesn't matter, you always seemed that way! everything will work out wonderfully.
Well,Kristine,I am really going to miss you lady! I don't say very much but please know that I am inspired by your efforts and have been reminded of so many fun things in life that I had forgotten or thought were not even achievable. I believe you will continue to do so many great things and I love that you have the heart of a teacher. I hope to continue to see you around enjoying your many blessings. Melissa (office neighbor)
YAY for you!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you... I know you'll love this next chapter in your life! You are so talented so I know you'll continue to succeed!
Does this also mean we get to share coffee during daylight hours, sans children? :)
I'm very happy for you!
So exciting! Best of luck in this new era of your life...I know Belmont was blessed to have you on their staff for the time you were there!
Kristine...The photos of Hailey, Steven and little Kate are fantastic. You are a great photographer. You captured the love in that home and family. Hailey's mom, Donna, is my best friend and Hailey is like my daughter. Thank you so much for letting me veiw them. I hope that you have success in your future..if photography is part of it, I'm sure you will be successful! Thanks again, Janey
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