Monday, March 1, 2010

New Beginnings | Personal Reflection

It's a new kind of Monday, today. I've found myself looking inward a bit, amidst the relative productivity of my first day fully and officially self-employed. A couple of things are in striking contrast to what would have been deemed a normal Monday for me. Good and bad things.

But fortunately, the good far outweighs the bad and I'm left completely and entirely contented. And with every new beginning, whether it be a month or a career or a relationship, there is much to appreciate about the old as we welcome the new. My former (that's going to take some getting used to) co-workers and students left me with such incredible gifts last week; it feels like pieces of them are still here in this life I now live working from home.

Because even as a season comes to a close, people are still there to celebrate and prepare you for what lies ahead. And to stand as and provide symbols of so much meaning.


To remember, my students gave me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers which are now proudly displayed on my kitchen counter. The brightest of greens and yellows celebrating for me a season of the joy that people and relationships can bring to your life, and the new one I am now walking into. And too, a number of cards - with such thoughtful notes, my very own official chef's coat from Belmont dining - in gratitude for our unique partnership, and a frame - which immediately became home to my cherished picture of my amazing student staff from last summer. Oh, right, and the obligatory defacing of your staff headshot for you to keep.

And quite possibly, the most incredible package of a gift was just a couple of books. To honor the Learner in me, my team decided that books covering topics pertinent to my new season in life would be the most appropriate way to send me off. And wow. I hadn't expected this gesture, and it was probably the most moving part of my whole departure. I won't ever take for granted having worked in an environment and with a group of people so clued into the places where your skills and needs are most connected.

The books offered were as different as different can come, but so incredibly perfect.


The Way to Cook (Child) - for the much coveted time I will have now to flex my culinary muscles in a way that I haven't been able to for some time.

Turning to One Another (Wheatley) - for the hope finding places to lead and to change the world through relationships and creativity and people's stories.

National Geographic Traveler: Germany - for the prospect and possibility of our trip to Germany this summer on mission.

And last, but not least...

Is Your Mama a Llama? (Guarino/Kellogg) - for the family we hope to start soon (and my former supervisor's personal favorite for her kids).

Incredible, right? I know.

And so with each of these, and the encouragement of many, a new month, a new season, and a new journey have each officially begun. Cheers!


Ulmer Studios said...

Congrats on this new season in your life!!! Can't wait to see what comes out of it!

Cliff said...

Love the new look in the header of your blog with the cherry blossoms.