I'm in a giving mood. Love gets me that way. Maybe it's because Cliff was gone for a week and I'm just all oogly-googly over his return. Or maybe it's the pink-infused everything that you can't help but run across during the month of February. Or maybe it's just, I don't know, an inkling.
But either way, it's had my firey heart knocking on the door of my brain for a way to connect the two. To honor people who define and personify love with a gift. To thank them for their inspiration to me and to others. For being a reminder of everything that can and should be in a relationship.
So, I came up with a simple little contest.
That's right - nominate your favorite couple for a complementary Valentine's-inspired LOVE-fest photo session!
The couple can't be you and your significant other.
They have to be someone you know, even if just casually.
The couple and you must live in the Greater Nashville or Greater Chattanooga area.
You must complete your nomination in one week (that's Thursday, February 11th).
That's it.
To complete you nomination, you MUST comment below and fill out the following information:
1. Couple's names:
2. Where are they located?:
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em?
What makes them so special?
Why the nomination?
4. Your name:
5. Where are you located?:
6. How'd you hear about the contest?:
7. Your e-mail address:
Once Thursday rolls around, I'll hunker down with my laptop and my hubby, and the two of us, together, will decide upon the winning nomination. This won't be a popularity vote or a measure of one's success at garnering attention from the outside world, but rather a measure of what to us, strikes us in alluring our interest in a couple and their story. What inspires our own story...
I will announce our winning couple next Friday, February 12th, just in time for that lucky couple to celebrate their great fortune on good ol' Valentine's Day.
So what's in it for me? Some QT with an amazing couple... and one lucky nominator.
Yep, that's right. Not only will I be picking the most inspiring nomination for a free LOVE-fest Session but the nominator and their significant other as well. And don't worry nominator, if you're happily single - we'll do a Personal LOVE-fest Session starring none other than your fantastic self. Consider it a bonafide Headshot Session.
So nominate someone. Seriously. What do you have to lose?
1. Couple's names: Matt and AnnJanette Toth
2. Where are they located?: Nashville, TN
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em? AnnJanette (or AJ) is my boss and a wonderful mentor and friend. She and her husband Matt have been great friends to me and my husband as we figure out this first year of marriage/work/real life.
What makes them so special?
If you met them you would know. AJ has a verve and a spunk that is undeniable (a Michigander to the core), and Matt is her perfect compliment. They are honest and genuine and always willing to share whatever knowledge they've picked up along the way with anyone who asks. Most of all, Matt and AnnJanette love each other well - and people can tell. They sacrifice for each other, share big dreams and are taking steps to achieve them, pray for each other, and are dedicated to putting each other first in the little and big things.
Why the nomination?
It's hard to put your finger on how important it is to see a great relationship modeled for you. Matt and AJ are a step ahead of my husband and I in life, and I have said many times how neat it is to see them, a few years in, so happy and committed to each other and their marriage. I want them to know how thankful I am for their friendship, and especially for the way AJ has taken me under her wing and given me so much grace, love, and encouragement. These kind of people just don't grow on trees, and I want them to know how special they are.
Plus - they are a really cute couple, very photogenic :). AnnJanette always tells me that her one regret on their wedding day was a less than wonderful photographer. I would love for her to have some great pictures that really capture them at this stage in their life!
4. Your name: Abby Barnhart
5. Where are you located?: Nashville, TN
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: your twitter feed!
7. Your e-mail address: abby.l.barnhart@gmail.com
1. Couple's names: Chuck and Sue Ciesliga
2. Where are they located?: Franklin
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em? church
What makes them so special? Chuck and Sue are patriarchs at our church. They are great leaders and role models and have been a huge influence in our lives (my hubby and I) as a married couple. With us being so far away from family, they've been like a second family to us. They are both so selfless and eager to give and serve, to friends, family and the church. Sue spends many days helping different friends with homes, nannying, and whatever else the Lord lays on her heart. Chuck is a great "handy man" and is always willing to use his mad skills to help others, when he's not working a full time job that can be demanding of his time. I have never heard either of them say no. They have done so much for us alone, from helping with wedding preparations (including building things to housing my husband the month before to setup/tear down) to just having us over to eat and fellowship.
Why the nomination? Chuck and Sue always have an open home, hands, and hearts. They give selflessly without ever asking or expecting anything in return. Truly humble. It would be great to bless them in return. They are also a great example of friendship, love and parenthood (i believe 8 grown kids?), and it's not often that they are pampered (by say, a photo shoot :) ) Their love is definitely something worth celebrating.
4. Your name: Ashley Goins
5. Where are you located?: Brentwood
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: twitter
7. Your e-mail address: talk2me783@hotmail.com
1. Couple's names: Gretchen Peters & Barry Walsh
2. Where are they located?:Germantown, Nashvegas
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em?
After I graduated from Belmont, I answered an ad and became Gretchen's personal assistant. Through her, I met Barry.
What makes them so special?
I love a good, unconventional love story. And boy, do they have one! Not to mention, it's a love story 20+ years in the making.
Why the nomination?
Gretchen and Barry knew and worked with each other in Nashville for years. Gretchen is one of the best songwriters/artists to grace Nashville with her presence (Independence Day/Secret of Life..etc), and Barry is an in demand,kick butt piano player. Anyway, like I said, they worked together and were friends for years, while being married to other people. Don't worry, this story isn't like when Bruce let Patti Scialfa join the E-Street band and ended up divorced because of it. No, not at all. When both of their marriages ended, both were there for each other. They are proof that you find love where you least expect it. Both swore they'd never get married again, but love had a better plan for them. Friendship turned into more...and as the song goes, "What's meant to be will always find a way." Last year Barry gave Gretchen an "offer she couldn't refuse", and they are now getting married this October. So I would LOVE for them to have these pictures to use on their big day.
And from a selfish standpoint, when I started working for G I was in a relationship that was totally wrong for me. By noticing how great the two of them got along, and how they loved each other for who they were and not who they wanted the other one to be, I was inspired (err, bad choice of words) to get out of my wrong relationship. Today, I can happily say it all worked out for the better.
Also, I always grew up thinking that especially as a female in the music business, it would be almost impossible to have it all. Maybe I always thought I'd have to sacrifice my love life for my art, or something like that. Once again, G has let me know that yes, it is possible to have a great relationship and a great career, and to expect nothing less.
4. Your name: Bridget
5. Where are you located?: Brentwood
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: your twitter
7. Your e-mail address: bridgetajoyce@gmail.com
1. Couple's names: Kathy Kile and Gary Letson
2. Where are they located?: Chattanooga, TN
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em? One of them's my mom!
What makes them so special? They met after each of them had gone through hell in a previous marriage, and each were on the mend from that. They met, in a romance movie sort of way, because they live across the street from one another. They started hanging out as friends for the company, and soon realized there were real feelings there.
My favorite thing about them is the way they just seem to fit together. He loves everything about her, particularly the things that make her HER, if you know what I mean. After 25 years, it is so good to see a man who loves and appreciates my mom for the incredible woman that she is. He tells her all the time that he can't believe it took him 50 years to find her but that he just wants to love her more every day. It just makes me really happy to see them both so happy together.
Why the nomination?: Because it would be such a sweet surprise for them. Neither of them has a lot of extra money to do things like this, and they don't worry about that, but a sweet surprise of something that's all about them would make them both giddy, I think. They both love pictures and have them everywhere, but my mom is convinced she isn't photogenic and looks bad in all of them, so having some really good photos would be something they would both love.
4. Your name: Natalie Corn
5. Where are you located?: Nashville, TN
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: On your blog.
7. Your e-mail address: natalie.afton@gmail.com
good idea! thanks for the contest!
1. Couple's names: Ken and Lourie Ferrell
2. Where are they located?: Spring Hill, TN
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em?
You already know this but...We first met Ken and Lourie when they took over teaching our Sunday School class. They since have become dear friends that are truly God sent.
What makes them so special?
Ken and Lourie and survived many ups and downs...from every day family struggles, to extreme heartache yet still continue to work on there marriage, trust one another, and raise healthy children in a difficult world. They have been an amazing support system for our family and have walked through the past 2 years with us..teaching us, leading us, and walking beside us.
Why the nomination?
I think that giving Ken and Lourie the opportunity to spend some time together, capturing the love they still have for one another with your photography would be a breath a fresh air for them...a reminder of what they still have and continue to work for. It would be so refreshing for their marriage to have this gift for Valentines Day!
4. Your name: Gabrielle Capurso
5. Where are you located?: Smyrna, TN
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: facebook post
7. Your e-mail address: gabriellecapurso@yahoo.com
1. Couple's names: Mike and Missy Wilson
2. Where are they located?: Franklin, TN
3. Answer the following questions:How do you know 'em? Mike was my youth pastor in middle school and then I interned for Missy (who is the Executive Director of Brent Gambrell Ministries) in college. My husband also interned for BGM and we have served on mission teams in Haiti with Mike and Missy.
What makes them so special? So, so many things. Mike and Missy are some of the funniest and most fun people I know. They are also some of the most loving. They are generous and encouraging. Missy had a huge impact on me while I was interning for BGM. I was in such a "weird," transitional place and she gave such wonderful guidance. And then the next year, in 2008, when my dad died she was really supportive. Lots of people said a lot of things to me but what Missy said really stood out. She said, "We are going to get through this." Not "YOU are going to get through this." but WE; I wasn't alone. Another thing that I really admire about them is their relationship with their middle son Lane who was born with severe mental and physical handicaps. You can read their story at: www.mylifespeaks.com
Why the nomination? They are really deserving for so many reasons but the main reason I am nominating them is this: At the time that the earthquake occurred in Haiti, they were in the process of adopting from Haiti. Mike immediately went to Haiti and fought to bring his little girl Tia home. Through lots and lots of more hard work they were also able to bring home Tia's best friend in the orphanage, Nakia the following week. Now that the Wilsons have suddenly gone from a family of 5 to a family of 7, I think it would be wonderful for them to have some pictures taken of their entire family (which I know, isn't exactly what you had in mind with the contest, but if they win, I hope that you will take pictures of the whole family).
4. Your name: Katie Wallace
5. Where are you located?: Lynchburg, VA (but please don't rule them out because we aren't in Nashville!)
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: your twitter
7. Your e-mail address: KatieWallace7@gmail.com
1. Couple's names: Sarah Jaworski & John Price
2. Where are they located?: Franklin & Nashville, TN
3. How do you know 'em?
Sarah is one of my younger sisters and John is her fiance! We all also attended Belmont University together (I was a Junior when Sarah was a Freshman & Sarah and I both graduated during December commencements)
What makes them so special?
They are a young, vibrant, recently engaged couple whom I love very much. They met during this past Spring Break (March 09) while vacationing in Destin, Florida and they didn't know each other previously, even though they attended the same University and were the same year in school! They began dating shortly there after and have been inseparable ever since. They bring out the best in each other and after 8 months of dating, John proposed to Sarah just after Christmas (Dec 09). I am truly honored to welcome John into our family this coming June.
A fun fact about our family & John's: Our "sibling lineup" if you will is 3 girls and a boy (I am the oldest girl and Sarah is the youngest girl) and in John's family they are also 3 girls and a boy (John being the youngest, boy) -- so needless to say he will fit into our family dynamic quite well!
Our parents were engaged after only 3 months of knowing each other and have shared 28 amazing years together. Sarah & John share that same special "immediate connection" and made the decision to be together and then were engaged relatively soon after a few months. I pray that they are too blessed with 28+ amazing years together.
Why the nomination?
This is a very special time for our family - Sarah and I are now both engaged and planning our weddings for this year, (Her's will be in June & mine will be in October) which is a lot to celebrate in one year for all of our family & friends!!! The best way to remember this special time, to me, is by taking photos. They are the most important way to preserve those memories. I would love to give Sarah & John the opportunity to capture their love before their big day, and for Valentine's Day too no less, with a beautiful photo session with you!
I would love for the both of us, Sarah & I, to celebrate all of these exciting moments as sisters, being engaged at the same time, and make it a very positive year for our family instead of a stressful time where finances and crazy schedules can become burdensome and overshadow what is really important. I'm not going to lie and say that it has been or will continue to be an easy process. Being able to afford two weddings is our current challenge among the financial joys many families are facing during this time. We have much to be thankful for: Our Family will also be celebrating our Grandparent's 50th Wedding Anniversary, our Dad's 50th Birthday and our brother's 21st Birthday this year. While we have been presented with a few obstacles I truly believe we can make this one of the most amazing years for our family if we stick together and find ways to show our love for one another!
4. Your name: Jennifer Jaworski
5. Where are you located?: Franklin, TN
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: Your Twitter!
7. Your e-mail address: jennjaws@gmail.com
1. Couple's names: Barret and Rachel Ward
2. Where are they located?: Nashville
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em? Barrett took me to Africa. Now they're my neighbors.
What makes them so special? They have GIANT hearts for helping people and teaching people and making people remember that there are bigger things in the world.
Why the nomination? Because they are getting back in town right about now from picking up their newly adopted daughter in Ethiopia and I think it would be awesome for them to have great pictures to remember the exciting time.
4. Your name: Ryan Kendrick
5. Where are you located?: In Barrett and Rachel's neighborhood
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: Twitter
7. Your e-mail address: kendrick.cr@gmail.com
1. Couple's names: Joel & MA Flowers
2. Where are they located?: Greater Chatty area
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em? I [Marianna] have been good friends with Mary Anne since our freshman year of college. I met Joel through her when they met in the dorm during college. We have all been friends since then.
What makes them so special? They are such a fun and laid-back couple. They have been married for 4.5 years and have already been through so much and are only stronger because of it. MA is always there for me no matter what.
Why the nomination? Because of job situations, they are spending weeks at a time apart from each other. I don’t think they’ve had professional pictures taken together since their wedding, so it would be an awesome 5-year mark celebration for them!
4. Your name: Marianna
5. Where are you located?: Franklin
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: your blog, of course!
7. Your e-mail address: you got it
1. Couple's names: Brian and Heather Williams
2. Where are they located?: Franklin
3. Answer the following questions:
How do you know 'em? I [Marianna] work with Brian and therefore know Heather.
What makes them so special? Um, they’re pretty much just amazing. They are also the most amazing parents to two of the cutest and fun girls. They always open their house to friends and just love to sit and talk and live life with people. The first time I had a conversation with Heather after babysitting their daughters, we talked for about an hour and it was like we had known each other for a long time! They are both such hard workers and very talented in many ways!
Why the nomination? Last year they celebrated their 10-year anniversary, so I think it’s about time they get some professional pictures taken. (They may already have, but I haven’t seen them if so.) Oh, and refer to my answer above also.
4. Your name: Marianna
5. Where are you located?: Franklin
6. How'd you hear about the contest?: your blog, of course!
7. Your e-mail address: you got it
Couples Name: Jimmy & Tracy Mihnovich
Where are they located: Franklin
How do you know them: I worked for an international adoption agency and they were one of the families adopting from Ethiopia here in N'ville.
What makes them special: Everything. Their hearts. They adopted an incredible baby boy from Ethiopia a few years ago and over the last year they have been in the process of adopting a sibling group of FOUR from Ethiopia. This has been a hard year b/c the uncle of the four children would not let them be adopted as he was "using" them to do the chores at his home. Through the incredible faith of this couple, when others would have given up on getting these children home, they instead continually claimed God's promises, fasting and praying for their release and miraculously just recently they got word that their four are coming home SOON!!!! Tracy also leads the Nashville fellowship group for adoptive children from Africa. I am nominated them b/c I am in awe of them...of their willingness to step way out of their comfort zone, give the plans for their family to God and to hold onto to great faith when others would have given up. This faith has resulted in four impoverished children being adopted into the blessings of God in every way!
email address: amanda.lawrence@visitingorphans.org
How did I find out: FB
1. Couple’s names: Kelly Garrison and Patti Caldwell
2. Where are they located?: Spring Hill, TN
3. How do you know ‘em?
Kelly is a good friend of mine from church. She and I, along with our husbands, were in a small group Bible study together before we “grew and multiplied”. Patti is her mother.
What makes them so special?
When my dad passed away, Kelly was the one person who best understood what I was going through. Her father, who, like mine, spent several years battling an illness, had died a few years earlier. Although grief is different for each person, Kelly was able to help me sort through my thoughts and emotions and always made herself available to me if I needed anything – even if it was just to talk.
I know how drastically a relationship changes between a mother and daughter when the husband and father of the family dies. It becomes so different in many ways as you struggle to find new identities in the loss you’ve experienced while holding on to the memories you have.
Every time I see them together, Kelly and Patti remind me of the relationship I have with my own mother. It’s more than about a mother and daughter. They’re confidants. Friends. Especially in times when the grief feels very real, their relationship reminds me about my relationship with my own mom and that healing happens.
Why the nomination?
As much as I love my husband (and I really do!!), love – even at Valentine’s Day – isn’t just reserved for those of us with romantic feelings for one another. Well, I guess it could be said that it is, but I see it as a celebration of love in general – and in this case, for the bond between a mother and a daughter. Perhaps this is something that is better reserved for Mother’s Day, but these two women have been on my mind (and heart) a lot lately.
Patti was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s been undergoing a number of chemotherapy treatments lately, which haven’t treated her body well. She’s been dealing with low white blood cell counts and fear of infections. Patti also has Lupus, an autoimmune disorder, so you can imagine that this is all taking a toll on her body.
When her hair started to fall out, Patti made the decision to go ahead and shave the rest of it off. Isaiah, Kelly’s beautiful little boy, is fascinated with the hats and scarves and the fact that his grandmother wanted to have a hairstyle just like his.
Kelly told me recently that she thinks her mom is beautiful – hair or not. I would love for them to win this photo session, as I think it would be an opportunity to celebrate their love for one another, the joy they’ve found in loss and to rejoice in the gift of life that God’s given.
4. Your name: Kim Barnes
5. Where are you located?: Spring Hill, TN
6. How’d you hear about the contest?: your blog
7. Your e-mail address: Kimberly.barnes@hotmail.com
It is with pride that I nominate Edward and Amy Baynes for your couples photo competition. My wife Kim and I have known the Baynes’ since 2007 when we were first introduced at a church function. Over the years, we have become very close friends, even traveling on a cruise with each other, last May. Ed also co-leads our small group Bible study every week.
Ed and Amy have dedicated their lives to the service of others. Ed serves the City of Franklin as a dedicated police officer with more than ten years of service. Amy works as the Program Director for the Williamson County Child Advocacy Center. They see a lot of pain and hardship in their jobs and the two of them are always so giving, both in the work place and in their personal free time. For instance, Amy volunteers her time at The Well, a local food pantry in Spring Hill and they've never hesitated to offer to watch other people's children when the parents have a need come up.
While not at work, the Baynes’ have two children to care for at home. Ed and Amy are raising two beautiful and respectful young children that love Jesus and care for people as much as their parents do. They are caring parents, trying to teach their kids life lessons and spend quality time with them.
Ed and Amy have dedicated their lives to serving others. They are always willing to give their time, hard work and emotions for those around them and I think that this photo shoot would be something they would be able to enjoy for themselves. I also think that it would be a great thank you for them as well as an encouragement that their acts of service, inspiration and insight are noticed and appreciated.
Jamie Barnes
Spring Hill, TN
I heard about this by a little Birdie named Cliff
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