Friday, September 4, 2009

Just An Aside

I love how things, in life, can sometimes come together in a way that is almost eerily fantastic. Most of this morning, I've been reflecting on how crazy last night was for the Neeley household. And all because of a website.

I realized this morning that I forgot to mention one of the coolest things about the experiment. It should be stated that in the process of building my site yesterday evening, all of the home page animation was built and timed before a song was even considered.

When Cliff pitched the prospect of placing music (which is, again, just one of the wonderful things about Showit) I toyed around with a variety of options, while he coached encouragingly from the sidelines. So back and forth I went. I'd painstakingly modify a song and embed it, feeling steadily more discouraged that nothing fit.

Four songs into the process, the final one was placed because when it was...

it matched the animation perfectly.

Needless to say, it was chill bumps and bug eyes all around as we sat there stunned. Speechless, actually.

And as ridiculous as someone might think this is, it was confirmation that somehow all of this fits into my greater story. The one where I am riding on faith and seeing pieces brought together in a way that only my God could orchestrate. This isn't just a business - it is a gift.


Anonymous said...

The New Site Looks Awesome!!! You do a wonderful job creating that yourself!

Alexandra said...

The website is beautiful :)