Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Inspires Me? 01.19.10 | Personal Reflection

Books, you'll come to learn, are like currency to my soul. The purchase, exchange, and transfer of thoughts and ideas and lessons and challenges set forth in literature - whether fiction or non - has the ability to fill me up and to move me in a way not many other things can. So, it won't be surprising that this week's inspiration comes from a book.

A book which I happened to listen to, after owning in audio format for sometime, only just a couple of weeks ago on our way home from Christmas travels. And then, immediately after listening to it, I read it all over again. Because it was just that good.

The book? The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho.

Everything about this book, and particularly the narration of it in audiobook, fascinates me. I literally can't get the echoes of both the characters, the plot, and the settings out of my head. It is a book about a boy following his dream in search of a treasure, only to find himself ending up in situations and destinations with people he hadn't expected to meet along the way. So much truth is laced into this fable. And long-gone are the days of good, inspiring fables which ask us to think abstractly about our own realities.

Probably one of the less significant, but most profound moments in the story is when the narrator describes the pursuit of using one's gift - and here he is speaking specifically about the alchemist himself - because it is what you are gifted at doing, not because anyone will see it. That a man, so knowledgeable and understanding and skilled at the turning of all metal into gold -chooses to do so in the middle of a desert with no one to watch or to be impressed with him.

When I let that sink in, I am just - deeply moved. Do what you do because you can, not because it is an means to an end or because it gains you notoriety with people.

And that's just one of the tiniest lessons from this chock-full-of-good-stuff story. Seriously.

If you've never read anything by Coelho before, I would start with this one. From his blog you can access a number of online versions of some of his work, including translations in a number of languages. Unfortunately, The Alchemist will not be found in the English translations of his works but you can always get a head start on the first chapter, thanks to this preview from Google Books. And lastly, if you are a fan of Jeremy Irons (I mean, really, with that voice, who isn't?) and like audiobooks, I'd highly recommend a listen.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

I did a post earlier this week about what inspires me, and I love that you did too! I will have to get this book, I'm always looking for new ways to open myself intectually. Thank you!